34 Lessons From 34 Years of Living

January 28, 2024
life lessons from Dario Villirilli

Inspired by Kevin Kelly's wise tweets, I've compiled 34 quick lessons I've learned from my own experience and the teachings of others. Some are lighter, some more thoughtful 一 I hope you enjoy them.

1. Avoid saying “It can’t get worse than this.” It always can.

2. The fastest way to reshape your identity is to immerse yourself in new environments.

3. If you’re not willing to change, you haven’t suffered enough.

4. Take the stairs instead of the escalators. Or at least climb the escalator!

5. The way out of a dark place is not upward towards the light, but deeper down into the darkness.

6. The more intentionally you live, the more lifetimes you can squeeze out of a single one.

7. There's no such a thing as a creative block or limit. The source of creativity is infinite and abundant. Get out of your narrow self to reconnect with it.

8. No life path is better than another. Each has its own set of challenges. Just pick one with challenges you’re happy to deal with.

9. When the hike gets steeper, hike faster. You'll be done with it sooner and you'll feel more energized.

10. Nurture your closest friendships like your life depends on it. As it may, one day.

11. Take more career risks! The worst-case scenario is never that bad. And you never regret betting on yourself.

12. In the grand scheme of things, we are absolutely meaningless, yet we cannot help but care deeply about our lives. So, care deeply.

13. Live below your means, but don’t be cheap.

14. From time to time, when running, give strangers running towards you a (low) high-five for a mutual energy boost.

15. Your inner child is waiting for you to heal the pain he/she couldn't process. Don't turn the other way.

16. To measure someone’s success in life, look at their vitality.

17. The remedy to endless choice is to pick something you like and are happy with, and ignore everything else.

18. Have that difficult conversation. Regardless of the outcome, you will gain clarity and self-respect.

19. If you're not 100% sure about buying a piece of clothing, don't buy it.

20. Whatever parts or traits you hate about yourself, they once helped you survive and feel safer. Give them the love they never received.

21. To know what you want you must be able to think for yourself. To think for yourself, you must be able to make contrarian decisions and own the consequences.

22. If you see the wave of change coming from afar, don't wait for it to sweep you under. Get a surfboard and start to paddle.

23. At least once in your life, travel with minimal belongings to understand how little you actually need.

24. Screw dating apps. Meet people the old way.

25. Love is either unconditional or it isn’t love.

26. Don’t try to control how life should unfold. Just set clear intentions and then trust life to work in your favor. When things don’t go as planned, revisit your intentions and remember the part about trust.

27. The qualities you resent in other people are often those you’ve suppressed in yourself. Aim to reintroduce them in your life.

28. If you want people to like you, be genuinely interested in them.

29. Hire a coach before negotiating your salary. It's worth the money and more.

30. Asking for help is a sign of strength.

31. The grass is greener where you water it.

32. Practice gratitude as often as possible. Especially on bad days.

33. Always travel with earplugs.

34. We’re here on Earth to move from scarcity to abundance, separation to unity, fear to love.


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